Friday 17 December 2010

Downton Abbey ITV1 promo

Downton Abbey is a period drama set in 1912 and many conventions of TV drama are used in this trailer. In the first scene candlelight is used to create a soft, romantic feel perhaps reflecting the feelings of the characters having a meal together. Also in the mid 1800's candlelight will have been used to light buildings and it may also be used to complement this era as precisely as possible. A two shot is used in the first scene with the candles "seperating" the two characters, which may portray conflict or tension. 
Non diegetic background music is played throughtout the trailer, and for the first 40 seconds the tempo and volume is low,to convey the secretive ways the characters are watching each other. The music used is choral and the lyrics "I'll be watching you" pieces together the fact that the characters are curious and spying on each other and this is also shown by the use of close ups and extreme close ups. The tempo and volume increases for about 10 seconds in the trailer and fast cuts create excitement and apprehension, many different characters and various storylines are shown to the audience. Framing is used throughout using doors, windows and mirrors. This is used especially when characters are seen spying on each other through reflections, and windows; point of view shots are used to give the audience the feeling they are seeing exactly what the characters are seeing.

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