Tuesday 14 December 2010

Soap Prelimenary Task

For the soap prelimenary task we decided that we would use 3 short scenes outlining three distinctive storylines to portray the different characters. The trailer is a minute long so it would be suitable for television and online.
The title card at the beginning of the trailer shows the name of the soap: Borderline. I chose this name for the trailer as it reflects the location of the soap - being on the border between two different places and metaphorically between good and bad. Borderline is targeted at a young audience of females and males aged between 13-16, for this task we based the story lines on story lines from Skins but subverted these to suit a younger audience. The mise en scene represents this due to the location - a college, and the ages of the characters. If I were to do this again I would make the music quieter so it would be easier to hear the dialogue and also make the scenes a little longer, by about 5 seconds. Also the trailer is very female orientated so it would improve the trailer and remove the gender imbalance by using a main male character. 
In our group we have used many soap conventions and each person in the group had a go at each role including camera, make-up and costume, continuity, script writing etc. We have used a variety of camera shots and angles to create realism including: POV shots, long shots, over the shoulder shots & close-ups. 

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