Monday 20 December 2010

A2 Comic Strip Soap

After picking a comic strip to film and edit into a snippet of a soap, I changed the dialogue to make it more relevant to the conventions of a soap opera.
Using a video camera and a tripod to reduce shake and make the video as smooth as possible, I incorporated as many camera shots and angles as possible; such as a crash zoom and various pans. If i were to do this task again I would think carefully about using more camera movements and camera shots, but this was difficult as I filmed the comic on the computer screen. Also the camera was on a slight angle while filming, it would have been an improvement if I had noticed and changed this before filming.
As I have only ever used Windows Movie Maker before, I found it difficult to use Adobe Premiere Elements 8 but after practising and testing on the program, I eventually became familar with its tools and was able to include effects in postproduction such as: the title card banner reading "Previously on..." and the shake effect at the end to emphasise the significance of the cliffhanger.
 I also added non diegetic background music to the beginning of the video making sure it was upbeat and positive. The name of the soap "The Suburbs" connotes a happy, ideal lifestyle; which is reflected by the music I chose. I recorded the dialogue in a different room to which I filmed the comic strip to get the best possible results. I then added the dialogue to video and removed the video, so only the audio would be added.

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